Industrial And Commercial Photovoltaic Bracket_Solar Mounting System_Products_Hebei Shuo Biao New Energy

Photovoltaic Power Station Engineering Solution Provider

Shuo Biao New Energy

Industrial And Commercial Photovoltaic Bracket

Product Overview:

As an important part of the photovoltaic power generation system on the roofs of factories and shopping malls, industrial and commercial photovoltaic supports carry the main power generation system of

As an important part of the photovoltaic power generation system on the roofs of factories and shopping malls, industrial and commercial photovoltaic supports carry the main power generation system of photovoltaic power generation. Such brackets generally do not rotate with changes in the sun's incidence Angle. There are generally two ways for the base of industrial and commercial photovoltaic supports: one is the photovoltaic support based on concrete, and the other is the photovoltaic support based on ground pile. When installing industrial and commercial photovoltaic supports, there can be different schemes according to the fixing way of the roof with different roofing materials.

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